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  Open: dal 12/04/2025

Cookie policy

Transposition of the measure 8 May 2014 - AUTHORITY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA -
(Provvedimento n. 229). (14A04066) - (GU n.126 del 3-6-2014) - For further information: 
Gazzetta Ufficiale

Technical, Analytics and Functional Cookies

Technical cookies  browsing or session cookies - strictly necessary for website operation or to allow users to make full use of website content and services. 

Analytics cookies , provide the website operator with an insight into how the website is used. Cookies are not used to collect information relating to the identity of users or any personal data.

Functional cookies  are used for activating specific website functions and for selecting certain criteria (such as language, the products selected etc.) in order to improve the service provided.

Cookies employed

This website employs technical cookies for proper functioning.

Cookie Name Duration Description
has_js until the browser is closed Collects info on the broswer's Javascript funcionality
device 1 day Collects info on the device used
device_type 1 day Collects info on the device used
Drupal.tableDrag.showWeight 1 day Cookie required byl CMS Drupal
SSESS6b8163c4453271c9a307c0136df729a9 1 month Collects info on the browsing session
hidePrivacy 1 day Manages privacy info notes


Third-party cookies

Google e Google Analyticss

The cookies used on this website derive from the use of Google Analytics, an analysis tool from Google, enabling the website owner to analyze how visitors interact with their own contents. For further information, please refer to: Types of cookies employed by Google ,Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites e Safeguard of data.

Cookie Name Duration Description
_ga 2 years used to distinguish single users
_gat 1 day used to manage the requests' rate
Id Canale Unlimited Used to determine new sessions and visits
Id Canale Unlimited Used to determine new sessions and visits
NID 6 months For info refer to Google cookie privacy policy
OGP 3 months For info refer to Google cookie privacy policy
OGPC 3 months For info refer to Google cookie privacy policy
PREF 2 years For info refer to Google cookie privacy policy
SNID 6 months For info refer to Google cookie privacy policy

*Javascript library used by Google

var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(["_setAccount", "xxxxxxxxx"]);
(function() {var ga = document.createElement("script");
ga.type = "text/javascript";ga.async = true;
ga.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + "";
var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);})();

This website uses Googles services such as, for instance, doubleclick. For further information, please visit the dedicated pages  Types of cookies employed by Google  and

This website uses cookies from for marketing purposes. For info

This website uses cookies from for marketing purposes. For info


Social network cookies

In order for the user to have the correct number of shares of a given page visualized and in order to allow sharing it between users, the pages of this website implement coding sections from other sites. These sites use cookies over which this website manager has no control, nor has access to the data. For further information, please see:,,, ,,

Disabling cookies

Browsers usually accept cookies automatically. The user, in order to disable this function, may modify cookie settings on their browser. Go to "Settings" in order to avoid or change cookie reception. Disabling cookies may impact or limit your website experience.
Please follow these links on how to manage cookies in the most commonly used browsers::  Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari.

Users who wish to block only Google Analytics cookies may consult this page..